"Baby Driver," starring Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm, will shoot in Atlanta, according to a post on the Georgia Film, Music and Digital Entertainment's Help Wanted Hotline page. The movie centers around a young getaway driver who is forced into driving for a crime boss and sucked into participating in a doomed heist, according to imdb.com. his will mark the second time in recent months Foxx has shot a film in Atlanta. According to projectcasting.com, he wrapped "Sleepless Night" here in August. The film also stars Lily James, Ansel Elgort and Kevin Spacey. It is set to be released March 17, 2017. Crew for "Baby Driver" are currently being hired. Applications can be mailed to [email protected]. Source: bizjournals.com
CAB Casting is looking for extras to work on an upcoming episode of the OWN network new series ‘Greenleaf’ now filming in Atlanta, Georgia. Casting directors are looking for extras to work on a scene filming this November in Atlanta. Producers are looking for extras to play teachers, security officers, and a housekeeper.
Greenleaf is “described as the center of the community for the thousands of predominantly African-American members who attend services there. But beneath its steeple lies a den of iniquity — greed, adultery, sibling rivalry and conflicting values.” For more information, check out Project Casting's link below: Project Casting: Greenleaf |
AuthorMonitoring the heartbeat of Atlanta film and TV Archives
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